Revision Wellness LLC

Our Specialties

Guiding people in healing trauma, anxiety, depression & most importantly their relationship with themselves

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
Emotionally Focused
Acceptance and Commitment (ACT)

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

Revision Wellness LLC

Our Specialties

Our Specialties

Guiding people in healing trauma, anxiety, depression & most importantly their relationship with themselves

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
Emotionally Focused
Acceptance and Commitment (ACT)


Imagine a constant presence lurking in the shadows, whispering doubt and  fear into your mind. It’s the uninvited intruder that sneaks into your life when  you least expect it, making your heart race, your palms sweat, and your  breath shallow. It thrives on uncertainty, making the simplest decisions feel  like walking on a tightrope. 

Anxiety is that unwanted companion that accompanies you to social  gatherings, work meetings, and even your own bed. It feeds on your  vulnerabilities, magnifying every worry, turning them into monsters that seem  uncontrollable. 

Anxiety is like carrying an invisible weight on your shoulders, causing  sleepless nights and endless “what-ifs.” Anxiety is a maze of thoughts that  seem impossible to escape, leaving you feeling trapped and exhausted. 

But remember, you are not alone in this struggle. With support and  understanding, you can learn to tame this intruder. At Revision Wellness, we  offer a safe haven to unravel the knots of anxiety and cultivate coping  strategies. Together, we’ll empower you to face your fears, restore peace to  your mind, and embrace life with renewed confidence. Because, with the right  guidance, you can reclaim control and discover a path to inner peace, free  from the grasp of anxiety. 


Depression is like a relentless shadow, following you wherever you go, dimming the colors of life and stealing the joy from moments that once brought delight. It’s a weight that bears down on your shoulders, making every step feel like trudging through thick mud.

In the midst of this silent storm, you find yourself losing interest in things you once loved, withdrawing from the embrace of friends and family, and feeling disconnected from the world. It’s a battle against yourself, where every day feels like an uphill struggle to find even a glimmer of light.

But remember, in this darkness, there is hope. At Revision Wellness, we understand the courage it takes to seek help and offer a compassionate hand to guide you through this storm. With the right support, therapy, and understanding, you can begin to untangle the knots of depression, one thread at a time. Together, we’ll work to rekindle the sparks of joy, rediscover your strength, and unveil the resilience that lies within you.

You are not defined by depression. You are a survivor, and as you journey towards healing, you’ll find that there is a sunrise after every storm, bringing with it the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Let us walk with you on this path to rediscover the colors of life and embrace the warmth of hope once more.


Imagine standing in a room filled with echoes of painful memories, where the walls seem to whisper of moments that shattered your sense of safety and left scars on your soul. Trauma is that haunting echo of the past, a relentless force that refuses to be ignored or forgotten.

Trauma is like a heavy chain that binds you to those moments of terror, forcing you to relive them over and over again, even when you wish to break free. The grip of trauma lingers in your thoughts, your dreams, and your interactions, shaping the lens through which you view the world.

In the aftermath of trauma, trust can feel like a distant memory, and every unexpected sound or touch can trigger an avalanche of emotions. It’s a battle between wanting to move forward and feeling paralyzed by the past, as if time itself has become a maze of tangled emotions.

But know that you are not alone in this struggle. At Revision Wellness, we recognize the strength it takes to confront the echoes of trauma and start the journey towards healing. Our compassionate therapists are here to provide a safe space where you can voice your experiences, confront the pain, and find ways to reclaim your sense of self.

Though the echoes may linger, you can learn to rewrite the narrative of your life and step into a future that is not dictated by the past. Together, we’ll navigate the path of healing, as you rediscover your resilience, rebuild your foundation, and transform the haunting echoes into whispers of strength and growth. You are more than your trauma, and with support, understanding, and empowerment, you can find the path towards renewal and reclaim the life you deserve.


Close your eyes for a moment and imagine an unwelcome guest who barges into your life unannounced, demanding your undivided attention. Addiction is that uninvited intruder, the shadow that lingers and refuses to leave, no matter how hard you try to escape its grasp.

It’s like being caught in a never-ending dance, where the allure of temporary relief or pleasure tangles with the heavy chains of dependency. Addiction sneaks into the core of who you are, altering your thoughts, behaviors, and priorities, until everything else seems to fade away.

In the battle against addiction, you find yourself torn between moments of hope and despair, trying to break free while feeling trapped by its relentless hold. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, as guilt and shame intertwine with the desperate need to satisfy the cravings.

As the days turn into nights, addiction becomes the companion you wish would disappear, yet it clings tighter to your soul. It can feel like losing control, losing yourself, and losing sight of the person you once were.

You are not alone on this journey. At Revision Wellness, we understand the courage it takes to face addiction and seek help. Our compassionate team of counselors is here to walk with you through every step of recovery.

Together, we’ll shine a light on the underlying causes of addiction and help you build the tools to regain control and reshape your life. It won’t be easy, but know that healing is possible. You are not defined by your addiction; you are so much more than that.

As we unravel the complexities of addiction, we’ll celebrate every victory, no matter how small, and support you through every setback. In time, you’ll discover the strength you never knew you had, the power to redefine your narrative, and the freedom to embrace a future free from the clutches of addiction.

Remember, the journey to recovery begins with that first step towards seeking help. You don’t have to face this uninvited intruder alone. Together, we’ll overcome, grow, and find a path to a life that is truly your own.

Life Transitions

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and just when you think you have it all figured out, a sudden detour appears on the horizon. Life transitions are those uncharted adventures that leave us feeling both excited and anxious, as we navigate through the unfamiliar terrains of change.

Imagine standing at the edge of a vast wilderness, unsure of what lies ahead. It’s a mix of anticipation and trepidation, as you leave behind the comfort of the known and step into the realm of the unknown. Life transitions are like stepping stones across a roaring river, each one leading you to the next phase of your story.

Transitions can take many forms – a new job, a move to a different city, the end of a relationship, or the beginning of a new chapter like parenthood or retirement. Each one comes with its unique set of challenges and opportunities.

During these moments of change, you might feel like a ship at sea, with no fixed destination, battling the winds of uncertainty. It’s normal to question yourself, to feel a mix of hope and doubt, and wonder if you’re making the right choices.

Life transitions are where growth and self-discovery bloom. At Revision Wellness, we understand the intricacies of these journeys and the emotions that accompany them. Our compassionate counselors are here to provide a guiding light, helping you navigate through the darkness of doubt and embrace the potential that change brings.

As you walk this uncharted adventure, you’ll find the strength to adapt, the resilience to weather storms, and the wisdom to make the most of every opportunity. Along the way, you’ll unearth hidden talents, forge new connections, and unveil the depth of your own courage.

Remember, you are not alone in this expedition. We are here to walk beside you, supporting you as you embrace the uncertainties and explore the
unexplored. Life transitions are not meant to be conquered alone; they are meant to be shared, celebrated, and cherished.

As you step forward into the unknown, you’ll find that every transition, every twist and turn, adds to the rich tapestry of your life’s journey. And while the road ahead may seem daunting, it is also filled with boundless possibilities and the chance to create a life that is uniquely yours. Together, let’s set sail on this adventure of self-discovery and growth, as you embrace the beauty of life’s ever-changing landscape.

Schedule your session with one of our therapist today!

Kelly Hunsaker, RMHCI

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Nicki Scovil, LMHC

MH 20603
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Jeanina Mann, RMHCI

IMH 22516
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Jeanina Mann, RMHCI

IMH 22516
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Schedule your session with one of our therapist today!

Kelly Hunsaker, RMHCI

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Nicki Scovil, LMHC

MH 20603
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Jeanina Mann, RMHCI

IMH 22516
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Jeanina Mann, RMHCI

IMH 22516
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Empowering Transformation at Revision Wellness:

Rediscover Inner Harmony. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through healing trauma, overcoming anxiety and depression, and fostering a profound connection with yourself. Take the courageous step toward lasting positive change. Begin your journey with Revision Wellness tod